MMG – Mighty’s Military Gear
This is one of our favorite mods on OMEGATECH’s servers. It’s also the best gear you can find on our servers. We’ve added even more inventory space with our own mod to increase the space you have on each item. Here is a run down of the features from this amazing gear mod:
Vests – listed after protection value
- Chestrig (High Capacity Vest)
- JPC-Vest (Vanilla Plate Carrier)
- Tactical-TEC Plate Carrier (Vanilla Plate Carrier)
- MK-III Vest (1.5x Vanilla Plate Carrier)
- MK-V Vest (2.5x Vanilla Plate Carrier)
- Defcon 5 Tactical Helmet (Vanilla Tactical Helmet)
- Striker Helmet (Vanilla Tactical Helmet)
- Armored Helmet (1.5x Vanilla Tactical Helmet)
- Assault Pack (80 Slots + Weapon)
- Carrier Pack (80 Slots + Weapon)
- Camelback (90 Slots + Weapon)
- Supplybag (120 Slots + Weapon)
- MMPS Backpack (150 Slots + Weapon)
- Mag Pouch
- Med Pouch
- EOD Pouch
- 5.11 Tactical Pouch
- Holster Pouch
- Triple Mag Pouch
- Double Mag Pouch
- MK-V Grenade Pouch
- MK-V Utility Pouch
- Combat Pants
- Combat Shirt
- Operator Shirt
- Tactical Shirt
- Facemask
- Balaclava
- Combat Boots
- Tactical Gloves
- Bottle-Canteen
- Carbine
- Sheath
- Headphones
- Visors
- Tactical Goggles
- many Patches
Headphones now work as the Radio Transmitter. If they are attached to the Tactical Helmet you can look straight at the bottom and switch them on. To change frequency you still need to put them in your hands.
Tactical Goggles
Glass color can be changed by holding the item in hands and clicking. (red, blue and clear)
If you don’t know which pouch or item attaches to your model, just drag the mouse over the slot and it and info will pop up.