


OMEGATECH ModPack The OMEGATECH ModPack contains a huge amount of amazing upgrades for DayZ and is used exclusively on all OMEGATECH servers. The ModPack includes but is not limited to:Clothing RetexturesNew Clothing ItemsArmor ItemsWeaponsWeapon AttachmentsInventory Increases of Vanilla and MMG itemsGameplay EnhancementsGUI UpgradesAnimationsMedical ItemsAnd so much more! This ModPack is made exclusively for OMEGATECH [...]

Expansion Bundle


DayZ Expansion Bundle DayZ Expansion is a feature-rich modification that brings many long-awaited features and quality of life improvements to DayZ. With countless changes and additions to the game, DayZ Expansion is sure to change up the core gameplay a lot. More vehicles, reimagined locations, completely new types of vehicles such as [...]

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